About Shilpa

What is healing? This is a question that most of us have asked ourselves when we or a loved one we know is suffering emotionally or physically.  My approach to energy healing is an experiential journey into the heart of holistic healing to achieve true and lasting wellness irrespective of the external challenges that we may find ourselves in from time to time. I invite you to let go of preconceived notions of what is and is not possible and allow yourself to experience a realm of unlimited possibilities of calm, connected, loving healing.

My name is Shilpa and I was first introduced to energy healing and attuned to Reiki as a 10 year old. That began a lifelong journey with energy work and other modalities for holistic healing that I have gone on to study and practice in the last 3 decades. I am a certified Reiki Master Healer ad Teacher in the Usui Reiki lineage. Naturally intuitive, my personal challenge has been left brain dominance and needing extensive evidence to truly resign to the mysterious ways energy work, prayers and faith works. The universe has truly come forth to show me magic is possible and I want to share it with you. 

Albert Einstein had once said that, “there are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.” I believe everything is a miracle and find ways to incorporate loving gratefulness in my life for all the miracles I get to witness in my own life and in the lives of clients I get to work with. Let’s connect.